Anna Valcerová: Summer Snow

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7,00 €
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6,33 €
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0,32 €
Price (incl. tax)
6,65 €

As to the motivation, the latest poetry collection from Anna Valcerova Summer snow, brings the miscellaneous poems reflecting another piece of author's life. Anna's life is mercilessly touched by her husband's death.

As to the motivation, the latest poetry collection from Anna Valcerova Summer snow, brings the miscellaneous poems reflecting another piece of author's life. Anna's life is mercilessly touched by her husband's death. The lyrical actress brings back the moments spent with him before he died. She appreciates his care of the closest one's, which is representing by a wood and stone handmade log cabin as a symbol of their common home-place. With a decent thankfulness, she recapitulates the husband's importance in her life. An interest about the other human destinies, especially about the women, acquires a different taste in this poetry collection. The author emphasizes the power of women, their ability to cope with difficult living situation, which the loss of their man definitely is...

Pectus publishing house, Košice 2008
ISBN: 978-80-969793-6-3
hardcover, number of pages: 144
format: 120 x 190 mm
wholesale price with VAT: 4,55 €

They wrote about the book
Ľudovít Petraško: Letný sneh
Derek Rebro: Poézia bez pátosu

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