• Hits: 2216
    Read more: Poet and translator Marián Šidlík brings to life his fifth poetry collection
    Marián Šidlík

    The poet and translator Marián Šidlík brings to life his fifth collection of poems “Just to Live Here”. An emotional and impressionist poetry of fulfilled and unfulfilled desires will be presented by a musical guest of the event – singer and pianist Kristína Prekopová. The book form of this decent poetry represents a selection of the author’s work from 2006-2012.

    • Hits: 2325
    Read more: Book presentation during the 126th anniversary of the birth of Mária Kočanová
    Mária Kočanová

    Presentation of the novella Mojmír’s Son in which Mária Kočanová portrayed Svätopluk childhood will take place in her birthplace – Kostoľany nad Hornádom. Ľudovít Petraško will introduce the book on 8th December 2016 at 2p.m., on the exact day when we commemorate the 126th anniversary of the birth of the author.

    • Hits: 2317
    Read more: Litteriada (4th year of the international literary festival)
    Litteriada (4th year of the international literary festival)

    Litteriada, the 4th year of the international literary festival, will take place on September 28 – 30, 2016. Pectus as a publishing house together with the Conservatorie in Košice, Zemplín Library in Trebišov and Podduklianska Library in Svidník prepared the presentation of domestic and foreign authors within this event.

    • Hits: 3219
    Read more: Not only for adults
    Not only for adults

    It is our great pleasure to be able to introduce two new book titles in the Prešovian P. O. Hvieszdoslav's library on November 7, 2014 at 11.00 am. The novel "With Perun on a Shield" by Mária Kočanová reflects the period of Great Moravia, conflicts between paganism and the following Christianity.

    • Hits: 2849
    Read more: The Book presentation You Can Only Stay Like This
    The Book presentation You Can Only Stay Like This

    On October 3, 2014 the poetic debut by Ivan Klohna, published by Pectus, will be presented. The collection of poems wil be christened by Ľudovít Petraško.

    • Hits: 2758
    Read more: Litteriada (3rd year of the international literary festival)
    Litteriada (3rd year of the international literary festival)

    Days from 6th to 8th November 2012 will be intended for Litteriada, 3rd year of the international literary festival, which will take place in Eastern Slovakia. This festival will present contemporary Slovak, Polish and Estonian literary scene. Artistic association and publishing house Pectus in cooperation with the State Scientific Library in Košice and "Dukla" Library in Svidník prepared the presentations of native and foreign authors for the public.

    • Hits: 3420
    Read more: Presentation of a book The Dead Guest
    Presentation of a book The Dead Guest

    Publishing house Pectus in cooperation with the State Scientific Library in Košice and Goethe-Institut in Bratislava invites the public for the presentation of a book The Dead Guest (13 mystic stories from German classic). Mysterious or even horror stories owe their continuous popularity to several circumstances. Many classical writers fascinated by anticipated reverse side of our existence visited also these "corners" of literature.

    • Hits: 2931
    Read more: Authorial discussion with Andrijan Turan
    Andrijan Turan

    Authorial discussion with Andrijan Turan took place on December 10th 2010 at 11.20 a.m. in the State Scientific Library on Pribinova Street 1 in Košice. Within 17th year of Slovak festival of poetry called "Beniakove Chynorany", popular Slovak poet revealed the readers how was his latest collection of poems Origami created. Although poetry has always glorified an amorous emotion, Turan managed to depict it in a unique and modern poetic way. Authorial presentation was connected with autographs giving.

    • Hits: 3195
    Read more: Litteriada continues by its second year
    Litteriada continues by its second year

    From 21st to 24th September 2010, Litteriada (second year of the international literary festival) will take place in Košice. Contemporary Slovak, Lithuanian, Polish, Austrian and German literary scene will be presented on this occasion. Artistic association and publishing house Pectus has prepared in partnership with Conservatory in Košice the presentations of native and foreign authors for the public. Lithuanian foreign guests will be Birutė Jonuškaitė and Vladas Braziūnas, Poland will be represented by such names as Marek Wawrzkiewicz, Elżbieta Musiał, Marta Świderska-Pelinko and Austrian and German literature will be presented by Beppo Beyerl and Martin Becker.

    • Hits: 3226
    Read more: Litteriada (2nd edition of this annual international literary festival)
    Litteriada (2nd edition of this annual international literary festival)

    From 21st to 24th September 2010, Litteriada (second year of the international literary festival) will take place in Košice. Contemporary Slovak, Lithuanian, Polish, Austrian and German literary scene will be presented on this occasion. Artistic association and publishing house Pectus has prepared in partnership with Conservatory in Košice the presentations of native and foreign authors for the public.

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