Night Singing of the Sardine in a Tin

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6,20 €
Price (excl. tax)
5,62 €
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0,28 €
Price (incl. tax)
5,90 €

The compilation book offers nonsense poetry from the German language environment and many a time poetic grotesques which became a programmatic part of many cabaret shows already during World War I and later formed part of scenes of the stage director Max Reinhardt.

The compilation book offers nonsense poetry from the German language environment and many a time poetic grotesques which became a programmatic part of many cabaret shows already during World War I and later formed part of scenes of the stage director Max Reinhardt. Most authors, who have developed the poetics of nonsense in miscellaneous forms, devote themselves to this genre with its own aesthetics only occasionally. In the collection Paul Scheerbart, Christian Morgenstern, Joachim Ringelnatz, Hansgeorg Stengel, Ernst Jandl present their works and many other poets, who distort also established extralinguistic connections and create the new ones, apply their own laws of logic, releasing the sources of humour, absurdity and paradox so that the quotidian becomes poetry.

Pectus publishing house, Košice 2016
ISBN: 978-80-89435-25-8
hardcover, number of pages: 96
format: 105 x 160 mm
wholesale price with VAT: 4,03 €

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