Michel-Antoine Burnier, Michel Contat: Sartre’s years of passion

Michel-Antoine Burnier, Michel Contat: Sartre’s years of passion

Original Price
10,50 €
Price (excl. tax)
9,52 €
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0,48 €
Price (incl. tax)
10,00 €

Both authors, who met with Sartre in 60’s years captured in their book an existentialism of their youth, the fight against Algerian war, they developed the exciting novel plot about Sartre’s life and work, about his friendships, rebellion and political engagement.

Both authors, who met with Sartre in 60’s years captured in their book an existentialism of their youth, the fight against Algerian war, they developed the exciting novel plot about Sartre’s life and work, about his friendships, rebellion and political engagement, about the destructive impact of free, we could say an anarchic bundle of Sartre and Simone’s life focused on fictional love couple Frederic and Carla, about the consequences of Sartre’s opinion of revolutionary Youth lacked the countenance because of adoring their idol, the founder of revue Les Temps Modernes.

Pectus publishing house, Košice 2009
ISBN: 978-80-89435-00-5
paperback, number of pages: 214
format: 120 x 190 mm
wholesale price with VAT: 6,82 €

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